Passing by


We cross so many distances and so much time passes as we journey from one place to another in our lives. Moving is a necessity in our world. Using our feet, cars, trains, and bikes, we are sometimes driven by some destination, an obligation, or simply by joy. 

I was on my way to get a car, by using a ferry. While walking through the deck, I observed the people who were my unintentional companions on this trip. It was 6.15 am, and I was sure that most of the people were commuters. I left my family that morning to get the car to the place where we were residing for a couple of days.

As a passenger, I was thinking, I am in transition, and my family is waiting for my return. The car was waiting in the parking lot to be collected; the action was on my side. However, this action was tied to some kind of expectation, a task to complete, two steady states to connect.

While the ferry was approaching the other shore, and while my time of being a passenger was coming to an end, I was wondering if there were any passengers at all with me who were traveling without any expectation or destination: a state of freedom without responsibilty for anything. How would such a person look and feel, hide or reveal?